
Types of Diaphragm Air Cylinder

Silicon rubber Diaphragm

High sensitivity to small pressure changes, excellent accuracy and reproducibility, and no leakage.

Diaphragm Air Cylinders

Diaphragm Air Cylinders are actuators made from elastomers, engineered metals and fabrics. They require no lubrication, are virtually frictionless, and economical. They can be used to provide lifting, clamping, pushing, coining, turning, and other linear force or actuation motions in many applications. Standard Bellofram Air Cylinders are available in eight sizes. Each size is available in both a spring-return and a double-acting variety, with one or two stroke variations (Series E or F). Sizes 4 and 6 have impact-extruded aluminium shells. Larger sizes have steel shells. Rods are ground, polished and hard-chrome plated steel. Bearings are sintered bronze, molybdenum disulphate impregnated. Other components are high strength materials with suitable corrosion resistant treatment.